Mission Camp 2024
ENG : To gain training and exposure to mission work within the Southern European context with a special focus on evangelism and refugee ministry as well as being part of local
outreaches. Mission Camp is a conference which is also made up of local outreaches. It is an opportunity to be part of an International event in a Christian venue, getting first-hand training on ministry work from missionaries and pastors that work in Europe and with refugees.
Theme: God's answer for a World in need!
Frederik Walraven
Ryan Hale
Dr. David Smith
Prize: 200 euro
Date: 19- 26 July 2024
( Check-in 16:00- Check out 10:00 )

Descrizione: / Description:
English: Mission Camp is an opportunity to be part of an International event in a Christian venue, getting first-hand training on ministry work from missionaries and pastors that work in Europe and with refugees. On top of that you will be able to take part to outreaches in the local area to serve, get to know and reach out to people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There will be also some free time, to spend at the beach and getting to explore Sicily.

Come raggiungerci:
Come raggiungere Ispicamp - Centro Crescita Cristiana :
In Aereo:
Aeroporto di Catania Fontanarossa . Poi prendi un Autobus AST per Ispica o Pozzallo.
( Ci sono autobus ogni ora. Il biglietto si compra sull’autobus e costa 9 euro solo andata)
In autobus e/o in treno arriva fino alla fermata di Ispica. Poi chiama i numeri sopraindicati per un passaggio fino al Centro.
In auto: Contrada Garzalla, 97014 Ispica RG. ( Punto d’incontro negozio Danilo Flora Designer ). Poi chiama i numeri sopraindicati o manda un whatsapp a +39 333 3133617
How to reach Ispicamp – Centro Crescita Cristiana (that is “Ispicamp Christian Growth Center”):
By plane:
Reach Catania Fontanarossa Airport. Then take an AST bus to Ispica or Pozzallo.
(There are buses every hour from the airport. Tickets can be bought on the bus and tickets cost 9 euros one way)
You can also come by bus and / or by train and must always get off at the “Ispica” station (bus stop or train station). Once you reach the Ispica station or when you almost there phone one the phone numbers you find as contact numbers on this website for a lift to the Center.
By car you must reach the following address: Contrada Garzalla, 97014 Ispica . (The Meeting point where we can come and meet you so you reach the camp is the “Danilo Flora Designer” shop). When you reach that shop in the Contrada Garzalla area call one of the phone numbers on the web site or send a whatsapp message to +39 333 3133617